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Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Going To The Theatre*
*But were too sloshed to ask, dear
'A hilarious, tongue-in-cheek companion for audience members everywhere as they embark on the most perilous quest of all: going to the theatre.'


Published on 30th November by Nick Hern Books, Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Going To The Theatre (But Were Too Sloshed To Ask, Dear) is the second book from masked Twitter sensation West End Producer (or WEP to his friends). WEP is a cult figure in London’s theatre scene, frequently attending press nights with his Jean Valjean teddy by his side. 

In his eagerly anticipated new book, WEP shares his industry secrets once again, this time coming to the aid of anyone who’s ever been to the theatre, or who thinks they might like to try it one day. Packed with insider know-how and naughty anecdotes, this book will tell you how to make your West End adventure as smooth as Craig Revel Horwood’s nose, including tips and advice on what shows to see and what to avoid; where to sit (without developing ongoing neck problems and deep vein thrombosis); how to combat theatre rage (and get to the ladies’ loos before anyone else); and what to wear (from the correct attire at press night, to the importance of a good, reliable codpiece at The Globe).


Also included are many of WEP’s most wickedly astute tweets, potted histories of some the greatest West End shows, and handy instructions on how to become one of WEP’s ‘Theatre Prefects’ – protecting theatres from phone users, snorers, and persistent latecomers.

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